Tag: small business
Top five small business tax mistakes that can come back to haunt you
It’s fall and Halloween is upon us, so who doesn’t like a good scare? Well…when it comes to tricks and treats, small business tax prep doesn’t sit well in the trick category. When doing your taxes, there are plenty of different methods that can be used to create the most favorable outcome possible for your specific…
How to Optimize Your Office Real Estate
Not unlike the housing market, office real estate is valuable and comes at a steep price. Larger businesses often have the luxury of off-site storage facilities to store their documentation. But for small-to-medium sized businesses, this isn’t a readily-available perk. Read on to find out why and how digitizing your database can allow you to…
Resources to Check Out for Your Woman-Owned Business
Women make up 38 percent of all businesses in the U.S. but tend to be underrepresented in the business world. The many hurdles they face, especially when it comes to receiving financing, make them have to fight harder than other entrepreneurs to succeed. If you’re a woman in business, there are a myriad of resources for women…
4 Must-Dos to Safeguard Your Business Against the Elements
With the thick of winter approaching for much of the country, there are things SMB owners must do to ensure that the most important aspects of their businesses are safeguarded from the elements. These to-dos vary from region to region and industry to industry. While most people maintain insurance on their home or apartment to…
4 Tips for When Your Business is Strapped for Cash
Running a small business can be unpredictable. Sometimes a client may be late in paying an invoice. Sometimes you hit an unexpected low season. Obviously, cash flow can be a huge problem for smaller businesses. In fact, according to a U.S. Bank study, 82 percent of businesses that fail do so because of cash flow…
Year End Are You Ready?
Year end is defined as year’s end, the end of the calendar year. Translated for all of us business owners that means “YEAR END” – the end of the fiscal year – that is if your year runs from January 1st to December 31st. “YEAR END” is not as easy as it may sound! In…
The Top 5 Topics Your Clients Will Ask You About Tax Reform
On November 2, 2017, the House released The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. It is the most comprehensive tax legislation since 1986. Its intended tax reform may very well affect each American taxpayer. The Senate just announced it will release its own tax reform legislation by the end of this week, so soon we’ll be…
Why a Business Should Implement a Digital Workspace
Business owners, CTO’s and CIO’s all around the world are facing the same challenge: how to optimize their IT infrastructure and get their workforce to start working on the go. In this article we will briefly explore the changing working conditions in modern day offices and why it is important for a business to start…
What Great Leaders Know
With tens of thousands of books and articles written about leadership, the only thing between you and being a great leader is the investment of time, and what you’ll learn to practice. But what ideas do you follow? What formulas are best? Where should you begin? What is it then that truly defines great leadership?…