Tag: bookkeeping and tax preparation
The Ultimate Small Business Tax Deductions Worksheet for 2022
If you’re a small business owner, there’s a good chance thinking about taxes stresses you out. You’re not alone. The fear of making a mistake on taxes terrifies many people. A recent Pew Research study showed that the complexity of the federal tax system significantly bothers 47% of Americans. Well, there’s good news: tax preparation…
Transaction Reconciliation Sucks. Now, You Can Automate it Instead.
There’s a difference between what you know about your business’s finances and what your bank knows. Balancing out the difference is a process called “transaction reconciliation.” Doing it manually sucks time, energy, and momentum out of your day-to-day. But with Neat, you can reclaim that precious time and energy by automating the task. The many…
How a Bookkeeping App Lets You Complete Bookkeeping Tasks in Minutes, Not Hours
As a small business owner, you’re starved for time. Seventy percent of small business owners say they’re even too busy to eat during the day. One significant time- (and lunch-) stealing activity? Bookkeeping. Forty percent of small business owners report spending 80 hours per year on accounting and tax prep. Manual tasks like categorizing transactions…
Inefficient Bookkeeping is Costing Your Small Business: Here’s How to Improve
40% of small business owners spend 80 hours on tax preparation/bookkeeping tasks each year — from manually entering transaction data into a spreadsheet to determining how to categorize transactions. The time spent on this process is frustrating enough. After all, you have other business activities to take care of, such as marketing and budgeting. But…
Ask the Expert: The CFO’s Guide to Reducing Business Costs
According to the Small Business Credit Survey, 19% of small business owners are hard-pressed to find funds to keep the lights on. While making more revenue would obviously be the ideal solution, reducing business costs is often necessary to ensure the survival of your small business. At Neat, we’ve had to reduce business costs many…
23 Essential Bookkeeping Terms Every Small Business Should Know
Unless you have a background in accounting, the majority of bookkeeping terms seem like jargon and can be confusing. From “general ledger” to “chart of accounts,” these terms require small-business owners to spend time researching just to reconcile their books. It’s added pressure on top of an already complicated and overwhelming process. In this article,…
Simplify Bookkeeping with These Five Types of Business Expenses
If you’ve used small-business accounting software, you’ve been faced with dozens of expense categories. (Does printing for a client go under the “Cost of Goods Sold” or “Office Supplies” category?) It can be overwhelming, to say the least. But it doesn’t have to be. At Neat, we’ve found that organizing business expenses into just five…
The New Neat: How Neat Is Evolving to Help Small-Business Owners in the 21st Century
Age-old processes often have a way of encouraging people to stick to the status quo. And perhaps no business process is grounded in tradition as much as small-business bookkeeping. At Neat, we believe in challenging and disrupting the bookkeeping status quo — as you can see from the transformation of our company over time. Whether…
Small Business Tax Deductions Worksheet (Part 2)
We’re back with more small business tax deductions! You might remember that in the first part of the series, we talked about how business tax deductions work — and what the IRS considers deductible. We spent a lot of time on what business expenses are deductible (which was fair enough, since you want to pay…