The horror of ‘Frankenstein’ bookkeeping

Frankenstein bookkeeping — a patchwork approach to bookkeeping creates a monster out of your books, a lot like Frankenstein. When you rely on too many systems to carry out tasks that could be consolidated in one place, you find yourself doing more work to get the same result.  

Using multiple systems to reconcile your books, introduces the risk of inaccurate reporting or lost data. Adding unnecessary manual processes opens the door for mistakes to happen. At Neat, we think streaming, matching and reconciliation should happen simply and accurately, in one place, on one screen. 

Transactions aren’t easy to manage. When you try to manage paper receipts and digital transactions manually, you run the risk of human error. Neat solves for that. You can snap a photo, or better yet, have a vendor email the receipt so you can track uploaded and shared transactions seamlessly,  and Neat will suggest a match immediately. (Pro tip — suggested matches come in handy when you’re managing multiple transactions). 

When you use too many systems you can’t be sure they are talking to each other when you need them to. Neat lets you organize, sort and track your finances in a way that makes sense for your business. Why file your documents online and in the cabinet, when you can consolidate them in one screen.

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